Magnesium is an essential mineral for the body, yet many people don’t get a sufficient amount through their diet. In fact, research shows approximately 48% of Americans fall short when it comes to their magnesium levels - which is where...
If you're feeling run-down and fatigued every day, it could be the sign of a vitamin B-12 deficiency. Fatigue can zap your energy and make it difficult to do the things you enjoy. Trying to work toward your goals, stay...
When energy levels fall, it might sound like a quick fix to increase your calorie intake, consume an energy drink, or sleep more at night. The problem? That may not actually be what you need. A simple electrolyte imbalance could...
There are countless health benefits that may go unclaimed without more B vitamins in your diet. As the building blocks of a healthy body, B vitamins are important for many of our physiological functions, especially when it comes to metabolism...
The endocrine system, a network of glands and hormones, plays a critical role in regulating a myriad of physiological processes in our body, from metabolism to growth, from sleep to stress response. Like many systems in the body, the endocrine...
Magnesium plays an important role in many body processes, including energy production, muscle function, and heart health; so when a deficiency appears, it can lead to all kinds of problems - including fatigue and muscle cramps. Listen as Carolyn Dean...
Magnesium is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system through regulating the activity of neurotransmitters, proteins that transmit messages between nerve cells, and other cell receptors. This helps to calm the nerves and inhibit overstimulation, which could lead...
What are Omega-3 fatty acids? Omega-3 fatty acids provide numerous health benefits, ensuring your body is operating at its best. Because your body doesn't produce Omega-3 fatty acids on its own, it's essential you get enough from your diet. Otherwise,...
Why You Need A Strong Immune System Before you take silver for immune support, you need to understand why the immune system is so important. Your immune system has a very important role; it protects your body from harmful germs,...
Healthcare Costs Keep Increasing The United States pays more for healthcare per person than any other country in the world. In 2020, spending reached a new high of $4.1 billion, or an average of $12,500 per person. But despite rising...
How many moments do you catch yourself reflecting on your diet? Whether that's what to eat, how much to eat, or what nutrients to take - it can be a difficult decision. Women’s nutritional needs change as they move through...
By afternoon, many can relate to hitting a midday slump where energy levels slowly drop as the day progresses. Tiredness sets in and many rely on a pick-me-up to make it through. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Experiencing...
Is Salt Bad For You? Dr. James DiNicolantonio, Cardiovascular Research Scientist and author of over 200 medical publications including his groundbreaking book, "The Salt Fix", helped healthcare professionals and everyday people understand why salt, especially sea salt, can not be...
Upset stomach, diarrhea, and a general uneasiness in your gut are a sign that something needs to be adjusted. Listen as Carolyn Dean MD ND discusses gut health, common causes of gut disturbances, and what you could do as a...
A hot cup of coffee or tea is the first thing millions of people count on in the morning for an energy boost. Whether you’re gearing up for the day, or pushing through an afternoon crash, caffeine offers a great...
Health is much more than just being free of illness. We understand it’s eating clean, movement, breathing, daily habits, and purpose that contribute to overall quality and ease of life. We also know that sometimes all of those things aren't...
Why Stress Causes Deficiency We have a lot to stress out about these days. In 2023 the top New Year's Resolutions were to "improve mental health" and "reduce stress". Everyone is looking for ways to sleep better, feel calmer, and happier,...
Since November of 2000, the Food and Drug Administration have allowed for new applications of vitamin B to be explored as one of the many recommended ways to address vascular disease. While suggestive, but inconclusive, the FDA has approved various...
Applying A Proactive Approach Well-being is becoming a huge focus point in the workplace. Health benefits continue to be a significant way for employers to stand out from the rest. It not only gives companies a competitive edge to attract...
Exciting news was announced this week (01/10/22) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that opens up new opportunities for people seeking better control over their high blood pressure. While inconclusive, the FDA has agreed and approved a statement...
What is a vitamin deficiency? A vitamin deficiency occurs when you don’t get enough of a particular vitamin. And while there are a few common vitamin deficiencies, those vary widely, depending on where you live and your lifestyle choices. The...