Developing Your Own Community Case Study

Helping Patients Stay Mineralized

A Simple Way To Start A Conversation

Getting Started With Your Study

"Community-level research led by local healthcare professionals is a pivotal part of identifying and addressing the magnesium deficiency in our country. Your unique insights and close connection with your patients allows you to become an effective agent of positive change at a local and regional level. And that's why I'm partnering with healthcare professionals on this initiative in order to make a real difference! This latest partnership with RnA ReSet PRO is designed with an understanding of the modern workflows of healthcare professionals to ensure a delivery that is well-received by your patients, and not a burden on your staff."

Take The Next Best Steps In Your Journey:

  • Learn More About Why Local Research Is Important
  • Contact Your Account Manager to Sign-Up For Free Formula Pairings In September
  • Learn More About The Magnesium Deficiency Survey
  • Prepare For Your Local Study By Learning More About The Formulas

Starting Research At A Local Level

Local healthcare professionals are intimately familiar with the unique characteristics, dietary habits, and lifestyle patterns of their patient population and surrounding communities. Conducting research at the community level allows for insights that are directly relevant to their individual patient's specific needs and challenges, resulting in more effective interventions overall. The impact of community-level research is often sustainable, as the findings and interventions are closely aligned with the community's needs and resources. This increases the likelihood of long-term behavior change and improved health outcomes.

Fill In The Nutrient Gap

Reduce Health Issues From Undiagnosed Deficiencies

The need for community-level research and education has never been as important as it is right now! Help your patients benefit from a proactive approach to healthcare while giving them local baselines to compare their own lifestyle and wellness against.

Get Signed Up Today!

Your Account Manager is ready to discuss how to setup a Magnesium Deficiency study in your own community and register you for our special give away offer.

Magnesium Deficiency Survey

Dr. Carolyn Dean developed a powerful, yet succinct magnesium deficiency assessment as an easy way to begin introducing the benefits of minerals, vitamins, and nutrient supplementation while exploring the effects of depletion. The assessment's 12 questions were designed to capture the most common causes and/or symptoms of magnesium deficiency to help guide the conversation with your customers. This simple, but effective screening tool allows you to explore different areas with your patients while capturing structured and unstructured responses around their total well-being.

Precise Dosage + High-Absorption

Large variations in dosages and the need for quick remediation of deficiencies make a liquid supplement superior. ReMag®'s unique picometer size has been proven to increase serum magnesium in as little as 4 hours and with only 1 dose. That's why ReMag®, The Magnesium Miracle, is the right liquid magnesium to supplement your current protocols with.

High-Potency + Flavor Mask

The strong taste of liquid minerals can sometimes keep your patients from experiencing the difference that staying magnesium-saturated can make to their energy + wellness levels. Add Vitamin C ReSet® powder as a delicious, high-potency vitamin C that masks the strong flavor of minerals to ensure they continue to take their ReMag®.