Supplements to Support Endometriosis Relief
Endometriosis is a complex, chronic condition that primarily affects the reproductive system in women. And understanding the symptoms, causes, and progression of endometriosis is crucial for effectively managing the condition. This often involves proactive measures, including addressing common nutritional deficiencies and...
5 Nutrient Pairings for Maximum Absorption
What is nutrient pairing, and how can it benefit me? Nutrient pairing focuses on combining your foods and supplements to maximize your health. This concept, “nutrient synergy,” emphasizes how specific vitamins and minerals work together to improve (or hinder) each...
4 Nutrients You Need After Labor Day
Treating Our Bodies Differently in Summer A lot of people treat their bodies differently during the summer months as warm weather often encourages outdoor activities and social gatherings outside our kitchens at home. While these activities can be enjoyable and...
7 Nutrients Your Body Needs to Build Bone
We all know that calcium plays a crucial role in building strong bones. But have you ever considered it might not be enough?  Surprisingly, too much calcium, especially from supplements, can actually block the absorption of other nutrients. To keep...
Clear Your Mind: 6 Vitamins and Supplements for Brain Fog
Do you ever find yourself forgetting simple things, like where you put your keys or what you were going to say next? If so, you might be experiencing "brain fog." And if this sounds familiar, you know it can be...
Magnesium Matters: Why This Mineral is Critical for Brain Function
The Most Powerful Tool At Our Disposal. The brain is the most powerful tool we have at our disposal. It's the engine that drives our thoughts, feelings, and actions. It's responsible for our creativity, problem-solving abilities, and everything else that...
Magnesium: The Unsung Hero Of Heart Health
When it comes to keeping our hearts in the best shape, we often forget the important role magnesium plays. Could this mineral be a missing link to improved cardiovascular health?  Is Magnesium the Missing Link to a Healthy Heart? The...
How Magnesium Supports Healthy Muscle Function
Muscles play a vital role in our everyday lives, from enabling us to move and perform physical tasks to supporting our internal bodily functions. Keeping our muscles healthy is crucial for overall well-being. One mineral that often goes overlooked but...
What Is the Best Form of Magnesium? An Inside Look at Magnesium Quality
Magnesium is an essential mineral for the body, yet many people don’t get a sufficient amount through their diet. In fact, research shows approximately 48% of Americans fall short when it comes to their magnesium levels - which is where...
Is Magnesium Good for the Endocrine System and Diabetics?
The endocrine system, a network of glands and hormones, plays a critical role in regulating a myriad of physiological processes in our body, from metabolism to growth, from sleep to stress response. Like many systems in the body, the endocrine...
5 Warning Signs of a Magnesium Deficiency (and What to Do About It)
Magnesium plays an important role in many body processes, including energy production, muscle function, and heart health; so when a deficiency appears, it can lead to all kinds of problems - including fatigue and muscle cramps. Listen as Carolyn Dean...
Can Magnesium Help with Nerve Health?
Magnesium is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system through regulating the activity of neurotransmitters, proteins that transmit messages between nerve cells, and other cell receptors. This helps to calm the nerves and inhibit overstimulation, which could lead...
7 Nutrients That Are Critical For Women’s Health
How many moments do you catch yourself reflecting on your diet? Whether that's what to eat, how much to eat, or what nutrients to take - it can be a difficult decision. Women’s nutritional needs change as they move through...
4 Must-Haves For More Energy
A hot cup of coffee or tea is the first thing millions of people count on in the morning for an energy boost. Whether you’re gearing up for the day, or pushing through an afternoon crash, caffeine offers a great...
The Link Between Stress and Magnesium
Why Stress Causes Deficiency We have a lot to stress out about these days. In 2023 the top New Year's Resolutions were to "improve mental health" and "reduce stress". Everyone is looking for ways to sleep better, feel calmer, and happier,...
FDA Supports Magnesium Qualified Health Claim for Hypertension
Exciting news was announced this week (01/10/22) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that opens up new opportunities for people seeking better control over their high blood pressure. While inconclusive, the FDA has agreed and approved a statement...
Are Electrolytes Minerals?
The Difference Between Minerals and Electrolytes Are electrolytes minerals? The simple answer is yes. However, while some electrolytes are minerals, not all minerals are electrolytes. This may seem minor, but in fact, it’s a major distinction. For one, electrolytes can...
Does Magnesium Help with Stress?
Magnesium and Stress A Gallup poll suggests that eight out of ten Americans are stressed. With numbers as high as these, it pays to consider natural solutions, like magnesium, for improving wellness. The book Magnesium in the Central Nervous System...
Is Magnesium Good for Your Brain?
Why Does the Brain Need Magnesium? To achieve optimal brain health, the body must receive adequate amounts of magnesium. Magnesium is a naturally occurring mineral used by your body and required for many biological processes. In fact, magnesium plays a...
How Magnesium Supports a Healthy Immune System
The Role Magnesium Plays in the Immune System Magnesium is a nutrient that the body needs to stay healthy. Magnesium is important for many processes in the body, including regulating muscle and nerve function, blood sugar levels, and blood pressure and making protein, bone, and DNA. Studies have been...
Does Magnesium Help Migraines?
Magnesium is a micronutrient that allows your body to function at optimal levels. And if the body doesn’t have enough magnesium, it can cause problems. But, can low magnesium cause headaches? And, more importantly, does magnesium help migraines? The answer...