5 Warning Signs of a Magnesium Deficiency (and What to Do About It)

5 Warning Signs of a Magnesium Deficiency (and What to Do About It)

Magnesium plays an important role in many body processes, including energy production, muscle function, and heart health; so when a deficiency appears, it can lead to all kinds of problems - including fatigue and muscle cramps.

Listen as Carolyn Dean MD ND describes what magnesium deficiency looks and feels like including common causes and how this mineral deficiency can create a cascading list of symptoms that can be resolved by becoming remineralized.

How Diet Creates A Deficiency

A poor diet is one of the most common causes of low magnesium levels. Processed foods contain little nutrient value and not only strip essential minerals from the body, but also impact the body’s ability to absorb magnesium. Highly-processed diets contain:

Saturated Fat Levels

High-saturated fat consumption is often linked with various health issues, one of which is a potential magnesium deficiency. A diet rich in saturated fats can lead to the development of conditions that impair the body's ability to absorb essential nutrients effectively. This is because high-fat diets can contribute to inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, impacting its function and potentially leading to malabsorption of vital minerals including magnesium.

High Intake of Sugar

High sugar consumption can also play a role in magnesium deficiency, impacting the overall mineral balance within the body. Excessive sugar intake leads to increased excretion of magnesium by the kidneys, promoting magnesium loss. This is because the more sugar you consume, the more your body excretes magnesium through the urine, leading to a reduction in overall magnesium levels within the body.

Consuming Soft Drinks

Soft drink consumption is a dietary habit that may inadvertently contribute to magnesium deficiency. Soft drinks often contain high levels of sugar and phosphoric acid, a combination that can negatively impact magnesium levels in the body. The phosphoric acid found in colas can bind with magnesium in the digestive tract and inhibit its absorption. When magnesium is bound in this way, it is excreted from the body rather than absorbed.

Excessive Alcohol Use

Ethanol, the main ingredient in alcohol has a diuretic effect, which increases the excretion of fluids and electrolytes leading to a depletion of magnesium levels in the body. Moreover, chronic alcohol consumption can cause inflammation and damage to the gastrointestinal tract, impairing its ability to absorb magnesium and other essential nutrients effectively. The malabsorption exacerbates the deficiency, leaving the body devoid of adequate magnesium levels necessary for various biochemical reactions

Do You Have A Magnesium Deficiency? Take The Quiz:

Signs & Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency

Despite the fact that magnesium is a vital nutrient in the body, an estimated 30% of adults aren’t meeting the recommended intake.Magnesium is involved in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body, so a deficiency can have a wide range of noticeable effects. If you think you may be deficient, it's important to be informed of the common signs and symptoms.

1) Muscle Cramps or Tremors

Magnesium plays a key role in muscle contraction. If you find that you are constantly rubbing the tension from your legs or lower back, your magnesium and calcium balance may be off. Magnesium helps to relax blood vessels and ease muscle tension. When levels are low, muscles can’t properly relax and release themselves, leading to muscle pain and cramps.

2) Fatigue and Weakness

We all get tired from time to time, but persistent fatiguemay mean something more. This is because magnesium plays a key role in energy production for the body. There are 1,000s of mitochondria in each cell that convert the food you consume into usable energy. This energy is stored in ATP, an energy-carrying molecule that requires magnesium to transform into its active form. When magnesium levels fall, so does energy production, leading to feelings of fatigue.

3) Stress & Magnesium Deficiency

Research has shown that our magnesium stores become depleted when under stress. This can have negative effects in the body and alter the way we react to stressors. If we're not replacing our magnesium, it can cause a vicious cycle where we continue to lose more and more each day, which in turn increases the incidence of stress.

4) Abnormal Heart Function

Magnesium, sodium, potassium, and calcium are electrolytes that help regulate muscle movements all throughout the body, including your heart. Studies show that when magnesium levels fall severely low, some may experience an irregular and faster than normal heart rate.

5) High Blood Pressure

When it comes to blood pressure, magnesium is an important player. Magnesium helps relax the arteries and veins, which in turn lowers the resistance to blood flow and helps keep blood pressure regulated. Research shows that diets with adequate magnesium may reduce the risk of high blood pressure (hypertension), a condition associated with many factors.

How Do You Test For Low Magnesium?

Even if you notice symptoms of low magnesium sound familiar, you may not be sure how to identify if you have a deficiency.You can start with this short survey and deficiency risk tool. Take the survey and find out why you should start paying more attention to this core nutrient to stay balanced.

Measuring your nutrient status regularly is the only way to know if your current intake levels are helping. Grassroots Health offers multiple-nutrient test measures and reports on the most common nutrient deficiencies while providing personalized data. Learn more here.

If you think you may be deficient in magnesium, it's important to consult with your doctor. Once a deficiency is diagnosed, there are a few ways to correct it.

What To Do If Magnesium Levels Are Low

To no surprise, one way to begin correcting a magnesium deficiency is through diet.Magnesium-rich foods include whole grains, dark leafy greens, fish, nuts and seeds such as almonds, cashews, and peanuts. Legumes, avocados, oatmeal and brown rice are also great options to add.

A balanced diet can be combined with supplementation to help prevent a magnesium deficiency. Magnesium supplements are available in a variety of forms, including capsules, tablets, powders, and liquids. While there are several forms available, magnesium chloride supplements are among one of the best absorbed forms by the body. Unlike other brands, high-quality magnesium chloride formulas travel directly into the cell, preventing laxative issues. In addition, liquid formulas also make it easier to adjust dosing.

If there was an all-star award, it might go to magnesium.

Magnesium can be considered an unsung hero in the supplement world. This mineral is one of the most important, and it's essential for many key body functions. Many find that once they improve their magnesium intake through a healthy diet and supplementation, they experience better energy levels, mood, and general wellness.