5 Nutrient Pairings for Maximum Absorption
What is nutrient pairing, and how can it benefit me? Nutrient pairing focuses on combining your foods and supplements to maximize your health. This concept, “nutrient synergy,” emphasizes how specific vitamins and minerals work together to improve (or hinder) each...
Symptoms, Causes, and Correction of Zinc Deficiency
What causes zinc deficiency? Of all the trace minerals that are found in the body, zinc is second in concentration only to iron, which means your body requires more zinc than nearly every other trace mineral. For some people, it’s...
5 Warning Signs of a Magnesium Deficiency (and What to Do About It)
Magnesium plays an important role in many body processes, including energy production, muscle function, and heart health; so when a deficiency appears, it can lead to all kinds of problems - including fatigue and muscle cramps. Listen as Carolyn Dean...
Omega-3 Deficiency Symptoms - DHA, EPA and ALA
What are Omega-3 fatty acids? Omega-3 fatty acids provide numerous health benefits, ensuring your body is operating at its best. Because your body doesn't produce Omega-3 fatty acids on its own, it's essential you get enough from your diet. Otherwise,...
What Are the Most Common Vitamin Deficiencies?
What is a vitamin deficiency? A vitamin deficiency occurs when you don’t get enough of a particular vitamin. And while there are a few common vitamin deficiencies, those vary widely, depending on where you live and your lifestyle choices. The...
What Are the Most Common Mineral Deficiencies?
What is a mineral deficiency? We all understand the importance of eating a well-balanced diet. Yet, some people still suffer from common mineral deficiencies, mainly due to inadequate nutrition. Failing to consume key nutrients leads to a variety of health...