This collection of nutrients is focused on Brain Health and the Structure + Function aspects of nutrients in relation to optimal brain function.
Mood + Mental Health
Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can have a profound impact on mood and mental health. That's because certain vitamins and minerals play large roles in brain function and neurotransmitter synthesis. And that's why both healthcare professionals and self-educators recognize the intricate connection of a nutrient-sufficient diet not only for our physical health, but also our mental well-being.
Emotional Regulation
Deficiencies in B-vitamins are often linked to mood disturbances and depressive symptoms due to their role in creating brain chemicals that affect mood and other brain functions. Multiple minerals also play a part in energy production, with a deficiency leading to fatigue, lethargy, and mood changes.
Balancing Highs + Lows
Magnesium, often called the relaxation mineral, is crucial for brain function and deficiency can lead to increased anxiety and stress. And low levels of vitamin D have been associated with mood disorders as this vitamin is involved in regulating mood and warding off self-defeating and low-energy thoughts.
Aging + Brain Health
Nutrient deficiencies can significantly impact our brain function, including some aspects that become increasingly critical as we age, or in the context of brain diseases. And the relationship between chronic nutrient deficiency and an accelerated onset of age-related decline in brain function underscores the importance of maintaining adequate vitamin and mineral levels, particularly in older adults.
Healthy Functioning
B-vitamins are vital for maintaining brain health, as they play a crucial role in reducing homocysteine levels, high levels of which are associated with an increased risk of neurodegenerative diseases. Similarly, vitamin D, which is a common deficientcy in older adults, is essential for brain development and function. And low levels of this vitamin are linked to cognitive decline and an increased risk of developing dementia and reduced brain function.
Slowing Decline
Magnesium is crucial for multiple aspects of brain function, and a deficiency in this mineral has been associated with mutliple neurological disorders. And multiple vitamin + specialty nutrient deficiencies, like B-vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids, can impair cognitive function and potentially accelerate our brain's aging. By proactively staying nutrient sufficient earlier in life, our body is able to function at a more optimal level with less effort.
Tension + Inflammation
Headaches + Deficiency
The structures and functions behind certain types of headaches have been linked to deficiencies in multiple key nutrients, including magnesium. Known for its role in nerve transmission and muscle relaxation, magnesium levels are often found to be low in individuals suffering from migraines. A magnesium deficiency has also been associated with increased neuronal excitability and cerebral vasospasm, both functions associated with headaches and Brain Health disturbances.
Brain Inflammation
The relationship of nutrient deficiency and our cellular health includes impaired mitochondrial function and anemia, both of which are conditions linked to increased headache occurrence. And vitamin D, which plays a role in anti-inflammatory processes and nerve health, has also been associated with headache frequency and intensity.