Can Magnesium Help with Nerve Health?

Can Magnesium Help with Nerve Health?

Magnesium is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system through regulating the activity of neurotransmitters, proteins that transmit messages between nerve cells, and other cell receptors. This helps to calm the nerves and inhibit overstimulation, which could lead to nerve cell damage. And the antiinflammatory action of magnesium promotes nerve regeneration where possible while reducing common neuropathies associated with nerve health.

Listen as Dr. Carolyn Dean discusses the relationship between calcium regulation, nerve health, magnesium's role as a gatekeeper to calcium ion muscle and nerve cells.

Common Medications For Nerve Health

Most nerve health medications target specific neurotransmitters or neural pathways to alleviate pain or improve nerve function. But this broad approach can have multiple side effects like dizziness, drowsiness, weight gain, or other adverse effects. People can also experience issues with dependence, tolerance, or additional health concerns while trying to balance their nervous response through the long-term use of nerve health medications.

It is crucial to maintain optimal magnesium levels to ensure robust nerve function and minimize the risk of neurological issues. Magnesium supplementation could be considered a complementary approach, alongside medications, for maintaining nerve health and managing neuropathic pain, under proper medical supervision.

  • Gabapentin and Pregabalin: commonly used for diabetic neuropathy and postherpetic neuralgia
  • Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCA): Amitriptyline and nortriptyline can help manage nerve pain
  • Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRI): Duloxetine and venlafaxine for nerve pain and improving nerve health

How Magnesium Promotes Nerve Health

While medications are often prescribed for enhancing nerve health and managing related conditions, the role of magnesium as a natural and vital mineral for nerve health is indispensable. Magnesium naturally enhances nerve function by regulating neurotransmitter release, improving nerve cell communication, and reducing inflammation and generally has fewer side effects, mostly limited to gastrointestinal issues at high doses. As a natural mineral, it is safe for long-term use when taken in appropriate doses, contributing to sustained nerve health without the risk of dependence.

Calcium Regulation + Nerve Health

Calcium and magnesium both are important for nerve health, participating in the sending of signals between nerve cells. However, excessive calcium can overexcite and damage nerve cells, underscoring the importance of balanced calcium levels for optimal nerve health.

Magnesium plays a vital role in supporting nerve function by acting as a natural calcium blocker. This calcium regulation helps maintain the health of nerves by preventing overstimulation, which can lead to nerve damage. Magnesium also aids in the smooth transmission of messages between nerve cells, ensuring proper nerve communication and reducing the risk of nerve excitability. Magnesium diligently works to prevent excessive calcium from entering the nerve cells. By doing so, it protects the nerves from potential damage due to calcium overload, contributing to overall nerve health.

Your nervous system is a constant consumer of the nutrients your body has available. Magnesium and calcium remain positively charged, but when they contact negatively charged particles, they form an electrical current. The fatty acids in the nerve tissue are negatively charged, which is why magnesium levels must constantly be renewed in order to retain a proper nerve current.

Nerve Regeneration

Beyond that, it’s possible for magnesium supplements to promote sciatic nerve regeneration and decrease inflammatory responses. In this particular study, magnesium-rich diets enhanced nerve regeneration and improved neurological recovery in mice with sciatic nerve injuries. These aren’t the only studies showing that magnesium may help with nerve damage. If you suffer from nerve pain, you might benefit from taking magnesium to increase your overall comfort and wellness.

Nerve Pain

Magnesium provides additional benefits for people suffering from muscle twitching or spasms. Magnesium has been effective at improving these conditions in the elderly and pregnant women.The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy found that magnesium could help patients experiencing chemotherapy-related neuropathy - a condition defined as the damage to nerves outside the brain and spinal cord that result in pain, numbness and weakness.