Taking Magnesium for TMJ and Bruxism
What is the TMJ (temporomandibular joint)? Before you can determine whether or not you can take magnesium for TMJ, you need to know what a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is. There are two TMJ joints, and they connect your jawbone to...
Do You Need 8 Glasses of Water a Day? Debunking Common Hydration Myths
Debunking 10 Common Myths About Water & Hydration Are you still following the “eight glasses a day” rule? Or maybe you’ve heard that cold water burns more calories? These well-intentioned suggestions often carry a load of myths and misunderstandings that...
The Real Reason Antioxidants Are Important For Our Health
Antioxidants are more than just a buzzword in the wellness industry. These substances are a fundamental aspect of cellular health and the preventative measures we can take to prevent or slow damage to cells created by free radicals. Learn more...
Why You're Still Dehydrated After Drinking Water All Day
Is Your Water Doing Its Job? We’re all familiar with the popular advice: “Drink more water.” It’s promoted as the ultimate solution for staying hydrated, boosting energy, and maintaining overall well-being. But what if you’ve been chugging yet still feel...
The Impact of Hydration on Your Mood and Mental Health
In our fast-paced world, where grabbing a quick cup of coffee or an energy drink on the go has become the norm, it’s easy to overlook the basic pillar of our health—staying hydrated! While we often link hydration with physical...
4 Nutrients You Need After Labor Day
Treating Our Bodies Differently in Summer A lot of people treat their bodies differently during the summer months as warm weather often encourages outdoor activities and social gatherings outside our kitchens at home. While these activities can be enjoyable and...
Vitamins and Minerals for Perfect Cellular Health
Our bodies are composed of billions of cells that work tirelessly to keep us alive and well. These cells undergo a constant process of division and reproduction, contributing to growth, repair, and maintenance. Cellular health refers to the optimal state...
How Your Environment Can Influence Stress, Anxiety, and Happiness
Your mental health is not just shaped by your thoughts and emotions but also by your environment. The physical spaces you call home, the people you interact with, and the natural world around you – all have a profound impact. ...
The Hormonal Connection Behind Social Anxiety
Feeling anxious when dealing with stress or challenging situations is normal. But when it starts creeping into day-to-day life and affecting your mental and physical well-being, it’s time to address it and take action. Do you know what’s often overlooked...
Is a Nutrient Deficiency Impacting Your Mental Health?
The Connection Between Food and Your Mood It’s easy to get caught up with life and put your well-being on the back burner. But just like we pay attention to physical health, our mental health deserves the same care. And...
Tips for Maintaining Healthy Bones at Every Age
Bones are the foundation of the body. While it’s easy to take for granted, neglecting their care can lead to bone-related conditions that significantly impact your quality of life. The good news is there are several lifestyle habits that, when...
Debunking Common Myths About Bone Health
It’s easy to get lost in misinformation and uncertainty when it comes to bone health. If you’ve ever wondered whether calcium is the secret to strong bones or if it’s even possible to prevent bone loss, you’re in the right...
7 Nutrients Your Body Needs to Build Bone
We all know that calcium plays a crucial role in building strong bones. But have you ever considered it might not be enough?  Surprisingly, too much calcium, especially from supplements, can actually block the absorption of other nutrients. To keep...
Your Guide to Glowing Summer Skin
Summer is finally here, and it’s time to soak up the sun! But before you dive headfirst into the season, let’s talk about something important: your skin. With intense heat and humidity in full swing, it could be paying a...
6 Key Nutrients to Boost Your Collagen Production
The Power of Collagen If you've noticed changes in your skin's elasticity, experienced joint discomfort, or want to maintain your youthful glow, understanding how to support collagen production is the first step towards revitalizing your overall health and appearance. Collagen isn’t...
How Collagen Supports Healthy Bones & Joints
Have you ever wondered what makes your bones and joints strong and flexible? Collagen makes up over 30% of your body’s protein and performs several important jobs, from enhancing tissue strength and providing structural support to promoting wound healing and...
Connective Tissue 101: Understanding What Keeps Your Body Moving
Why is it that some people can move around with ease while others struggle with stiffness and a limited range of motion? The difference often comes down to the health of our joints and the connective tissues that support them....
Clear Your Mind: 6 Vitamins and Supplements for Brain Fog
Do you ever find yourself forgetting simple things, like where you put your keys or what you were going to say next? If so, you might be experiencing "brain fog." And if this sounds familiar, you know it can be...
Understanding the Power of the Vagus Nerve
Let’s get to know a part of your body that often goes unnoticed, but is incredibly important – the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve works silently behind the scenes, controlling functions like your heart rate, breathing, digestion, and even your...
How Your Thoughts & Emotions Shape Your Health
Understanding your thoughts and emotions Have you heard the saying, "you are what you think"? While it might come off as cliché, it holds an essential truth. Your thoughts have a significant impact on your mental well-being, and when you...
Magnesium Matters: Why This Mineral is Critical for Brain Function
The Most Powerful Tool At Our Disposal. The brain is the most powerful tool we have at our disposal. It's the engine that drives our thoughts, feelings, and actions. It's responsible for our creativity, problem-solving abilities, and everything else that...