Is Your Thyroid To Blame? 5 Early Warning Signs

Is Your Thyroid To Blame? 5 Early Warning Signs

Feeling Fatigued or Stressed? It Could Be Your Thyroid

According to the American Thyroid Association, an estimated 20 million Americans have some form of thyroid disease. And, of those 20 million people, up to 60% don’t even know they have a problem. 

Maybe you've been eating healthy and exercising regularly, but you still can't seem to shake off those extra pounds. Or you're feeling exhausted all the time, and the thought of getting out of bed feels like an uphill battle. The thyroid gland is responsible for regulating your body's metabolism and energy levels. It's like a conductor that helps your body play in perfect harmony. But when things go wrong, the thyroid can become overactive or underactive, leading to a whole range of health problems.

Let’s take a closer look at the thyroid gland and how to identify early warning signs that there could be something deeper going on.

Small Gland, Big Job: What Does the Thyroid Do?

We have glands throughout the body that help us carry out essential functions and processes. The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of the lower neck. As part of the endocrine system, it's responsible for storing and releasing hormones that help regulate your metabolism, growth, and development.

These hormones are then transported throughout the body to serve a variety of functions, including:

  • Food & vitamin metabolism
  • Cardiovascular health
  • Muscle control and recovery
  • Healthy brain development
  • Mood and mental health
  • Nervous system health
  • Bone density
  • Body temperature

Thyroid Hormones Explained: T3, T4, & TSH

The thyroid gland produces two main types of thyroid hormone: thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). T3 is the more active hormone (about four times more active), and it's responsible for most of the metabolic effects. On the other hand, T4 only becomes active once it's converted to T3 in your body's cells and tissues.

So, how do these hormones regulate your metabolism? It all starts with the hypothalamus, a clever part of your brain that can sense changes in your body's chemistry and send signals to your pituitary gland, a pea-sized gland located at the base of your brain. The pituitary gland releases thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), which signals the thyroid gland to produce T4 and T3 hormones.

When the levels of T4 and T3 are low in your blood, the pituitary gland produces more TSH, which stimulates the thyroid gland to produce even more hormones. Conversely, when the levels of T4 and T3 are high, the pituitary gland produces less TSH, leading to a decrease in thyroid hormone production. TSH is like a master of hormones that helps regulate the thyroid gland's production. Without it, this smart system would fail.

Once the thyroid gland produces the necessary hormones, they enter your bloodstream and travel to different parts of your body. They bind to receptors on the surface of cells, and this is where the magic happens. The hormones stimulate the production of proteins that help regulate your metabolism.

5 Early Warning Signs of Thyroid Problems 

Catching these signs early on can help you avoid serious health complications down the road. So, if you've been feeling off lately or just want to be proactive about your health, it may be worth exploring the 5 early warning signs of thyroid problems. 

Fatigue and Weakness

Feeling constantly tired or weak, despite getting plenty of rest and sleep, is one of the most common signs of an underactive thyroid, also known as hypothyroidism. This happens when the thyroid gland produces too little thyroid hormone, resulting in a slower metabolism that can lead to fatigue and low energy.

Unexplained Weight Gain or Loss

Another early warning sign of thyroid problems is unexpected weight changes. If you're not eating more than usual or exercising less, but you're still gaining weight, it could be due to an underactive thyroid. On the other hand, if you're losing weight despite eating more, it could be a sign of an overactive thyroid.

Changes in Heart Rate

The thyroid gland plays a key role in regulating your heart rate. An underactive thyroid can slow down your heart rate, while an overactive thyroid can cause it to speed up. An imbalance can also make the heart muscle weak and unable to pump blood as effectively. It's like trying to drive a car with a faulty engine - you're not going to get very far. In severe cases, an abnormal heart rhythm can be life-threatening. If you regularly experience palpitations or a racing heart, it could be a sign of thyroid dysfunction.

Feeling Cold or Hot

Do you always feel cold, even when everyone else is warm? Or are you constantly sweating and feeling hot, even in cool temperatures? These are often early warning signs of thyroid problems. An underactive thyroid can lower your body temperature, causing you to feel cold, while an overactive thyroid can raise it, leading to excessive sweating.

Changes in Mood and Mental Health

There's a strong link between thyroid health and mental health. Depression has been associated with an underactive thyroid, while anxiety and irritability can point to an overactive thyroid. Mental changes tend to be more severe with thyroid disease, so it's a good idea to get your health status checked if you experience unexplained mood changes.

What Is Thyroid Disease?

Thyroid hormone production is a complex process that involves a delicate balance between the thyroid gland and the pituitary gland. In some cases, this balance can be disrupted. 

When thyroid hormone production changes, it has a domino effect on every system in the body. In general, thyroid disease is a term used to describe a condition that prevents your thyroid from making the right amount of hormones your body needs. 


When the thyroid fails to produce enough thyroid hormones, it becomes underactive, causing the heart rate, body temperature, and metabolism to slow down. If you suffer from hypothyroidism, you may experience mild symptoms at first or notice that they develop slowly over time. For starters, you might check to see if you have 3 or more of the following symptoms below.

Common symptoms:

  • Vitiligo (loss of skin color)
  • Sleep apnea
  • Sudden hair loss
  • Headaches & migraines
  • Dry skin
  • Weight gain
  • Cold hands & feet
  • Leaky gut
  • Slowed heart rate
  • Goiter (an enlarged thyroid gland)
  • Adrenal issues
  • Muscle weakness
  • Muscle aches & stiffness

The most common form of hypothyroidism is an autoimmune disease known as Hashimoto's thyroiditis - causing an estimated 90% of all cases. Hashimoto’s causes the white blood cells and antibodies of the immune system to ‘attack’ thyroid cells, resulting in inflammation and damage.

*Thyroiditis: inflammation of the thyroid gland


On the flip side of hypothyroidism, the thyroid can become overactive. This condition occurs when the thyroid produces excessive amounts of thyroxine (T4) hormone, which triggers the body to speed up metabolism and other functions. That’s why it comes as no surprise that common symptoms of hyperthyroidism include nervousness, increased sweating, and irritability. The most common form of hyperthyroidism is Graves' disease, which results in the overproduction of T3 and T4.

Common symptoms:

  • Rapid or irregular heartbeat
  • Increased appetite
  • Tremors
  • Muscle weakness
  • Tiredness
  • Insomnia
  • Unintentional weight loss
  • Goiter (an enlarged thyroid gland)

What Factors Can Impact Thyroid Health?

Unfortunately, when things go wrong, it can have a significant impact on your overall well-being. Let’s break down some of the most common factors that can affect thyroid balance.

Iodine levels

Think of iodine as the fuel your thyroid gland needs to make thyroid hormones. A deficiency can cause an enlarged thyroid gland, also known as a goiter, and hypothyroidism. However, too much iodine can be just as problematic and lead to excessive thyroid hormone production (hyperthyroidism). It's all about finding the right balance.


We all know stress can take a toll on our bodies, but chronic stress can lead to adrenal fatigue, which can interfere with hormone production and thyroid function.

Autoimmune diseases

Autoimmune diseases, such as Hashimoto's, can also lead to thyroid issues. Imagine your white blood cells and antibodies as little soldiers, and in this case, they're attacking your thyroid cells, causing inflammation and damage.


Certain medications can negatively impact thyroid activity and hormonal balance. Remember to consult with your doctor and keep them informed about any medications and supplements you're taking.


A diet high in processed foods, sugar, and unhealthy fats can contribute to insulin resistance and a hormone imbalance over time. It's essential to fuel our bodies with the right nutrients to maintain optimal thyroid health.


Genetics play a huge role in determining both the levels of thyroid hormone and thyrotropin (TSH) in our bodies, as well as our likelihood of developing an autoimmune thyroid condition. 

Environmental toxins

Exposure to environmental toxins such as heavy metals, pesticides, and other chemical pollutants can disrupt thyroid function.

Recognizing the Signs

The ability to recognize early warning signs is key in treating any health issue, and it’s no different when it comes to thyroid health. The thyroid plays a crucial role in regulating our hormones and main body functions. So it’s important to be aware of the signs and symptoms that may point towards an underlying condition, as early detection can help to ensure a better outcome. With proper care and attention, many cases of thyroid-related conditions can be managed with lifestyle changes.

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