Why do some people seem to be able to eat whatever they want without gaining weight, while others seem to struggle no matter what they eat? Well, body type might play a role. As many of us know, no two bodies are the same, – in other words, what works for you may not work for someone else. Depending on your body type, certain diets and food combinations can be more helpful than others when it comes to boosting energy levels and helping you reach your desired weight.
What Is A Body Type?

History of Body Type
In the 1940s, American researcher and psychologist William Sheldon introduced the concept of different body types. His research concluded that the concept of somatotypes is based on the understanding that everyone is born with a specific body type. Body type, or "somatotype", is based on our skeletal frame and body composition. This determines how easy it is for the body to store fat, and whether we are leaner, heavier, or somewhere in between.
Identifying Your Own Somatotype
Ectomorphs typically have unique nutritional and fitness needs due to their high metabolic rate to support energy requirements and promote muscle growth. This body type often includes narrow shoulders, a delicate bone structure, and a life long struggle to gain both muscle and fat. And adequate rest and recovery are essential, as intense workouts can lead to faster fatigue.
Mesomorphs are characterized by a medium frame and muscular build, wider shoulders, narrow waists, and minimal body fat. have a genetic advantage when it comes to muscle development and require a balanced diet that provides enough protein to support muscle growth while also maintaining a healthy intake of carbohydrates and fats for energy.
Endomorphs are the curvier, or round body type, characterized by a wide waist and hips while carrying their weight in the belly, hips, and thighs. This body type may require more effort to achieve and maintain a healthy weight, a tailored approach to diet, and exercise can help them improve their body composition over time.
Find Out Your Somatotype
Start building your own intermittent fasting plan with this short quiz to determine your somatotype and the type of fast that works best for your body: