How to Build a (Better) Morning and Nighttime Routine

How to Build a (Better) Morning and Nighttime Routine

Are you tired of waking up exhausted or struggling to stay focused during the day? Mastering your morning and evening routines could be the solution. Whether you’re an early riser or a night owl, how you start and end your day sets the tone for all the hours in between. 

This guide includes practical, easy-to-implement tips on how to create daily routines that suit your lifestyle and improve your health, mood, and energy levels.

5 Morning Routines for a Productive Day

These five habits will help you take control of your mornings and, as a result, positively impact your entire day.

1. Set a Consistent Wake-Up Time

Your body thrives on consistency. Setting a regular wake-up time helps you align with your natural rhythm, leading to more energized mornings. This doesn’t mean drastic changes have to happen overnight; even waking up at the same time a few days a week is a good start. Over time, this simple commitment also spills into other areas, whether sticking to a workout routine or eating healthier.

2. Hydrate, First Thing

During sleep, your body loses water through breathing and sweat, often resulting in mild dehydration in the morning. Drinking a glass of mineralized water first thing jumpstarts your metabolism, flushes out toxins, and prepares your digestive system for the meals ahead. Add a pinch of natural sea salt to your water for best results. Sea salt contains trace minerals like magnesium and potassium, essential for maintaining your body’s electrolyte balance. 

3. Make Healthy Breakfast Choices

Skip the sugary breakfast pastries; instead, choose meals rich in protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Choices like avocado toast, a veggie-packed omelet, or a nutrient-dense smoothie bowl help balance your blood sugar and keep you full for longer. If you’re just starting out, try simple options like a banana, a handful of nuts, or Greek yogurt. Over time, you’ll notice the subtle differences in energy and mood.

Additional quick, nutritious breakfast ideas:

4. Wake Up and Workout

Swap your caffeine fix for a natural energy boost from exercise. Whether it’s yoga, a quick walk, or a high-energy workout, morning exercise gets your blood flowing, sharpens your focus, and uplifts your mood. The bonus? It’s done for the day, giving you an early sense of accomplishment. Even better if you can spend a few minutes outside! Sunlight is a natural mood booster, triggering the production of serotonin and vitamin D for a calm start to your day. 

5. Mindfulness or Meditation

Carve out a few minutes for mindfulness or meditation each morning. Find a quiet, comfortable spot, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. A short session of deep breathing, guided meditation, or quiet reflection is a powerful way to ground your thoughts and reduce stress levels before diving into the day’s activities.

5 Evening Routines for a Better Tomorrow 

Your evening routine is about winding down and setting the stage for a restful night to fuel a successful tomorrow.

1. Go on a Digital Detox

In our 24/7 connected world, it’s tempting to stay glued to devices until the very moment we close our eyes, but it’s crucial to disconnect before bedtime. Blue light exposure from screens can interfere with your circadian rhythm and sleep cycle. So, about an hour before bed, make a pact with yourself to step away from all screens – no emails, no social media, nothing. Even better, put your phone on airplane mode and unplug your devices to improve sleep quality. 

Instead, consider these calming activities:

  • Meditation
  • Light reading
  • Journaling (offload your thoughts and set positive intentions for the next day). 

2. Gentle Stretching or Low-impact Exercise

Having trouble sleeping? Try incorporating gentle stretching or a post-dinner walk into your routine. These activities relax your muscles, improve digestion, and send a signal to your mind and body that it’s time to slow down for the day. And remember, it’s not about how far you walk or how flexible you are; it’s just about dedicating time to your well-being.

Simple exercises include:

  • Neck and shoulder stretches to release tightness.
  • Standing hamstring stretches for lower back and leg flexibility.
  • Gentle leg raises to strengthen your core.

3. Prepare for Tomorrow.. Tonight

A little preparation can go a long way in reducing morning stress. Spend a few minutes getting ready for the next day. This could involve laying out clothes, organizing your workspace, packing the kids’ lunches, or creating a to-do list. These small steps mean one less thing to worry about in the morning. And by having everything ready, you’ll wake up with a sense of purpose and direction.

4. Better Sleep Strategies

Good sleep hygiene isn’t just about the quantity of sleep you get; it’s about the quality. Here’s how to make every night’s rest count:

  • Keep a consistent sleep schedule (even on weekends).
  • Invest in comfortable bedding and create a dark, cozy sleep environment.
  • Establish a calming pre-sleep ritual like reading, a warm bath, gentle yoga, or meditation.
  • Avoid heavy meals, caffeine, and alcohol close to bedtime.

5. Nighttime Skincare with Minerals

At night, your skin shifts into recovery mode, so it’s the perfect time for a skincare routine that supports this natural process. Minerals like zinc, magnesium, copper, and selenium promote cell regeneration, working to repair daily damage and leave you with a smoother, more radiant complexion over time. 

A simple skincare routine may include:

Cleanse & Tone: Start with a gentle cleanser, followed by your favorite toner or Flora ReFresh® skin cleanser.
Serum: Apply a mineral-rich formula, like ReNew® serum, twice daily to deeply nourish skin.
Moisturize: Lock in the benefits with a mineral-infused moisturizer, like ReMag® Lotion Plus. This final step keeps your skin hydrated all night long.

Day-to-Night Supplement Essentials 

You can elevate both your morning and evening routines by incorporating high-quality supplements. Your body thrives on a full spectrum of nutrients to function, and even the healthiest diet may not cover all of your nutritional needs.

Vitamin D3 + K2 

Start your morning with vitamin D3, an essential nutrient for maintaining strong bones, teeth, and muscles. To make the most of D3, it should be paired with vitamin K2. While vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium, K2 directs it to your bones, preventing unwanted buildup in your arteries and other organs.

The sun is a natural source, but during the winter season or for those who stay indoors a lot, a plant-based vitamin D3 + K2 supplement can be a great way to meet your daily demands.

B-Vitamin Complex 

B vitamins take the food you eat and turn it into the energy you need to stay focused and alert throughout the day. They also play a vital role in maintaining a healthy nervous system and helping your body produce red blood cells, which carry oxygen all throughout your body. So, by adding a full-spectrum B-vitamin complex to your routine, you increase your chances of having a day filled with consistent, lasting energy.

Liquid Multi-Mineral Formula

Every morning, your body’s like a sponge, ready to absorb essential nutrients. A high-quality liquid formula contains all 12 picometer-sized minerals including magnesium, calcium, and potassium — which are vital for muscle function, nerve health, and maintaining a steady heart rhythm. As the evening rolls in, taking your mineral supplement can improve sleep quality and nourish your cells. Think of it as a nightly tune-up, helping you to wake up feeling refreshed and well-rested.

Soil-Based Probiotics 

As the name implies, soil-based probiotics come directly from bacteria found in soil. These are the same strains you’d find in a healthy, thriving garden, and they offer significant benefits for your digestive system and overall health.

  • Soil-based organisms (SBOs) break down food more efficiently than traditional probiotics, and help your cells absorb essential nutrients.
  • SBOs play a role in the connection between your gut and brain (the gut-brain axis), leading to improved mood and cognitive function.

To make the most of soil-based probiotics and prep your digestive system for the day’s meals, consider incorporating them into your morning and night routine. 

Making It Your Own

Creating the perfect morning and nighttime routine doesn’t have to be overwhelming. The best routines are those tailored to your personal needs, catering to what makes you feel good and prepared to start (or end) your day. The key here is to experiment and find what works best. After all, your routine is uniquely yours, and that’s what makes it special.

Ask yourself:

-What energizes me in the morning?
-What helps me relax at night?

Your routines should reflect your needs, lifestyle, and goals. Consistency is important, but remember, life changes, and your routines should also be flexible enough to adapt. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I develop a good routine?

To create a rewarding routine, consider these steps:

  • Set clear goals. What do you want to achieve?
  • Identify the most important activities and allocate time for them.
  • Introduce new habits slowly to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  • Stick to your routine (even on tough days).
  • Be patient. Building a good routine takes time and effort. 

How can I make waking up early a part of my morning routine?

Shift your sleep schedule gradually. Begin by going to bed and waking up 15 minutes earlier each day until you reach your preferred wake-up time.

How long does it take to establish a healthy morning and night routine?

On average, it takes about 21 days to form a new habit. Stay consistent and patient as you integrate these new routines into your daily life.

What if my schedule doesn’t allow a traditional morning or night routine?

Customize your routines to suit your unique schedule. Even brief, focused practices can significantly improve your health. The important thing is to make some time for self-care, no matter how busy you are.

Mastering Healthy Routines

Start small, listen to your body, and gradually build a routine that supports your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. The transformation won’t happen overnight, but with consistency and dedication, you’ll reap the benefits of a more balanced life, increased energy, and improved focus.