Vitamins and Minerals To Help You Through Allergy Season

Vitamins and Minerals To Help You Through Allergy Season

Allergies can strike at any time of the year, but they often peak during the transitional periods of Fall and Spring. While the symptoms between seasons may be similar, the triggers and recommended preventive measures can differ depending on your personal needs and environment. But the vitamins and minerals your body uses in response to allergies, including exhausting your supply during the process, are the same ones your Immune Function uses when responding to this attacking environment. Learn more about what you can do before and during allergy season to minimize your allergy suffering year round with RnA ReSet.

Differences In Fall and Spring Allergies

Many of the symptoms of Spring and Fall allergies are the same including sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, itchy eyes or throat, and fatigue. While antihistamines and other allergy medications can help manage symptoms, they often come with side effects like drowsiness. A more natural way to prepare and support the body is through the intake of specific vitamins and minerals combined with lifestyle adjustments in consideration of the season. And by keeping your body naturally functioning at its best, you effectively boost the results of any medications you may need by reducing the load these solutions must deal with.

Dealing With Spring Allergies

Springtime allergies tend to be more short-lived when the allergic reaction is to blooming flowers or trees, as their pollination season is relatively brief. But the constant wet weather commonly associated with Spring can lead to increased mold growth, while increased wind can spread pollen, exacerbating allergy symptoms.

Common Causes:

  • Pollen: The main culprits are tree pollens from oaks, pines, birches, and cedars
  • Grasses: As the weather starts to warm up, grasses like Bermuda, Timothy, and Ryegrass also start to bloom, leading to allergies

Steps To Consider:

  • Limiting outdoor activities during peak pollen times
  • Showering immediately after coming indoors
  • Using air purifiers and keeping windows closed

Early To Late Fall Allergies

Fall allergies can last for longer periods, especially if your allergies include sensitivity to ragweed pollen, which lingers well into the autumn season. At the same time, dry and windy conditions create widespread exposure to weed pollen while damp conditions can contribute to mold growth, particularly under fallen leaves.

Common Causes:

  • Weed Pollen: Ragweed, sagebrush, lamb's quarters, and English plantain are prime triggers
  • Mold Spores: As leaves fall and decompose, they can become a breeding ground for mold spores

Steps To Consider:

  • Raking and disposing of leaves to prevent mold growth
  • Keeping windows closed during high pollen count days
  • Consider using a dehumidifier to control mold

Vitamins That Can Help With Allergies

While vitamins are not an immediate replacement for antihistamines or other allergy medications, they can support better overall health and potentially help with allergies through their function in the body. Here's a list of vitamins that are crucial for individuals dealing with allergies, along with their roles in relation to allergies.


Stress can make allergic reactions even worse, and both vitamin B5 and B6 help regulate mood and stress levels. B6 supports also supports adrenal function, which regulates and manages the body's response to stress and allergens. And both Vitamin B9, better known as Folic Acid, and vitamin B12 aid in the proper development of red blood cells where a deficiency can reduce the immune system's ability to respond to allergens.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine that helps in the detoxification of foreign substances while helping keep the immune system running smoothly. This vitamin also aids in reducing the inflammation caused by chronic allergic reactions to allergens in the environment.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays a role in enhancing the pathogen-fighting effects of monocytes and macrophages — white blood cells that are important defenders against allergens. Furthermore, vitamin D deficiency has been linked to increased allergy symptoms, suggesting its role in modulating allergic reactions.

Vitamin E

The antioxidant vitamin E protects cells from damage caused by free radicals within the body or artificially introduced from the environment during allergic reactions. This fat soluble vitamin also helps reduce the severity of allergic reactions and boost the overall health of the immune system.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A plays a role in maintaining healthy skin and mucous membranes, which are the body's first line of defense against allergens. Additionally, vitamin A also naturally helps regulate and support the immune system through its function in the body.

Core Minerals That Help With Allergies

Minerals also play a vital role in supporting the body's response to allergies. Here's a list of minerals essential for individuals grappling with allergies and their associated functions:


Magnesium acts as a bronchodilator, helping to open up the airways, offering the benefit of better breathing for those with respiratory symptoms related to allergies. This important mineral also has anti-inflammatory properties while helping to stabilize mast cells, which release histamine during allergic reactions.


In allergic reactions, specific cells in the immune system are activated through complex signaling pathways, leading to the release of various mediators, including histamine. The mineral calcium is important for cell signaling, helping regulate the release of histamine from mast cells, potentially reducing the severity of allergic reactions.


Potassium naturally helps to regulate multiple functions in the body including fluid balance, nerve signaling , and muscle contractions. And maintaining an appropriate potassium balance can help reduce common allergic symptoms like swelling and inflammation.


Zinc is essential for a healthy immune system and can help modulate the body's response to allergens. More importantly, a deficiency in zinc can impair immune function, potentially leading to increased sensitivity to allergens. This makes this important mineral a high priority when considering the effects of a chronic allergic reaction.

Lesser Known Nutrients For Allergies

While everyone has at least heard of vitamin C or Zinc, there are some vitamins, minerals, and specialty nutrients that can go a long way in helping keep allergy issues to a minimum when they are included in your daily diet.


Manganese is essential for the proper functioning of the superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzyme, which has antioxidant properties. This mineral also helps protect cells from damage during allergic reactions.


Like manganese, copper is also crucial for the SOD enzyme's function. The mineral copper helps combat oxidative stress during allergic reactions, reducing inflammation and potential tissue damage.


Molybdenum acts as a cofactor for multiple enzymes that play a role in the detoxification of harmful substances, potentially aiding in the processing and elimination of allergens.


Selenium has antioxidant properties, which help protect cells from damage during allergic reactions. It also supports immune system function and may help regulate the immune response to allergens.