Best Nutrients for Muscle Growth and Performance

Best Nutrients for Muscle Growth and Performance

Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or just starting, the key to your fitness goals starts with what you put in your body. In this guide, you’ll gain a clear understanding of the building blocks your muscles need for growth and performance, alongside practical tips to help maximize gains and support recovery. 

Understanding Muscle Growth

First, let’s get to the heart of how your muscles grow, a process known as hypertrophy. It all starts when you take on resistance training, such as lifting weights or doing exercises that push your muscles against some form of resistance. What’s happening behind the scenes? You’re creating small tears in your muscle fibers. After your workout, your body fixes them using amino acids—the building blocks of protein. This repair process fuses them, gradually increasing the mass and size of your muscles over time. 

You must regularly challenge your muscles to activate muscle growth. This means progressively increasing the weight or resistance in your exercises to push your muscles beyond their current limits continually.

Your Guide to Muscle-Building 

What you put into your body is as crucial as your workout routine. Let’s dive into the best nutrients to help you achieve your fitness goals.

Proteins are the building blocks.

Protein comprises amino acids that act as the building blocks for your muscles. After a workout, your body uses the amino acids from the protein you consume to rebuild the muscle fibers—a process known as muscle protein synthesis. Think of protein as the critical raw material your muscles need to transform.

But your muscles aren’t just waiting for these amino acids to arrive. They’re actively signaling for them (especially after a workout). You’ve likely heard the advice to eat protein shortly after exercising. This period, often called the “anabolic window,” is when your muscles are most receptive to absorbing nutrients.

Protein’s role extends beyond the muscle fibers; it also regulates two essential hormones:

  • Growth hormone plays a pivotal role in your body’s muscle growth. It stimulates the liver and other tissues to secrete IGF-1, which, in turn, promotes the development of new muscle cells and aids in repairing muscle tissue damaged during exercise.

So, how much do you need? The exact amount depends on several factors, including your age, gender, weight, and level of physical activity. A general guideline is to consume 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. If you’re active or trying to build muscle, you may need more—up to 2.2 grams per kilogram of body weight.

Remember that it’s not just about quantity; your protein's quality also matters. Opt for lean meats, beans, lentils, quinoa, and nuts to fuel your workouts and recovery. A simple rule is to eat a protein-rich meal or shake 2-3 hours before you hit the gym and then refuel with another within an hour or so afterward.

Carbohydrates are the fuel.

Carbs and fats aren’t the enemy in your muscle-building journey. They’re quite the opposite.

  • Carbs are your muscle’s go-to energy reserve. After a meal, they’re transformed into glucose to provide immediate energy. Any unused glucose is stored as glycogen in your liver and muscles, serving as a reserve energy tank when needed. Skimping on carbs can deplete your energy, decreasing your performance and muscle growth.
  • After pushing your muscles to the limit, they need to repair—and carbs are vital to this process. Eating carbs post-workout replenishes your glycogen stores. The insulin released after a meal also helps transport amino acids into your muscles, speeding up recovery and growth.

Keeping up with your carb intake keeps your body in a muscle-building (anabolic) rather than muscle-wasting (catabolic) one. Choose healthy whole grains like quinoa and brown rice for sustained energy. Vegetables like sweet potatoes and legumes fuel recovery with their nutrient richness. And fiber-rich foods like oats keep you feeling fuller for longer. Need easy, nutritious recipe ideas? We’ve got plenty for you here.

Fats are the energy powerhouse. 

One gram of fat provides nine calories, more than double the energy you get from proteins or carbs. When exercising and burning through your carb stores, your body switches to fats for energy.

  • Healthy fats are vital in producing hormones like testosterone and growth hormone. After exercise, testosterone repairs and builds up muscle fibers. Meanwhile, growth hormones, stimulated by exercise and sleep, aid in muscle growth, fat burning, and tissue repair.
  • Fats also help your cells absorb fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E, and K. Without enough in your diet, your body may struggle to absorb nutrients, resulting in a deficiency.

Your body needs omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, found in fish, nuts, seeds, and certain oils, but it can’t make them alone. So, you need to get them from your diet and supplements. Omega-3s are especially beneficial for their anti-inflammatory effects, supporting muscle recovery and initiating muscle-building.

Micronutrients drive energy production, muscle growth, and recovery.

Protein, carbohydrates, and fat are undoubtedly the big players in building muscle, but another group of nutrients deserves your attention just as much—micronutrients. Although required in smaller amounts, these vitamins and minerals are critical for muscle health.


  • Vitamin D drives the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, essential minerals for driving the muscle contractions that power your movement.
  • B Vitamins (such as B6, B12, and folate) help your body convert carbohydrates and fats into fuel. This energy is utilized during workouts, driving muscle contractions that lead to muscle growth. B12, in particular, is essential for producing red blood cells that carry oxygen to your muscles. A whole B-vitamin complex can ensure you receive all eight essential B vitamins for optimal health.
  • Vitamin C plays a crucial role in collagen synthesis. Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body and a building block of the connective tissues that support and repair muscles and tendons.


  • Magnesium is required for protein synthesis—repairing and building muscle tissue post-workout. It also regulates your body’s electrolyte balance, which includes calcium, potassium, and sodium. By ensuring you get enough, you can help ward off cramps and muscle fatigue that might occur in the days after your exercise.
  • Calcium helps transmit nerve impulses to your muscle fibers, triggering muscle contractions. If your levels are low, your muscles might struggle to contract correctly, reducing your strength and endurance. 
  • Potassium aids in transporting nutrients to your cells and removing waste products, which is essential for muscle contractions and recovery.

By replenishing your body with ReMyte®, a liquid formula packed with all 12 essential minerals your cells need to function—you’ll likely notice improved endurance, reduced cramping, and quicker recovery times.

Putting It All Together: Your Muscle-Building Plan

Now, let’s combine these pieces into an effective muscle-building plan that you can customize.

Set Your Goals

Start by setting clear, achievable goals. Do you want to increase your muscle mass, enhance your strength, or both? Defining what success looks like for you will help tailor your workout and nutrition plan to meet your specific needs.

Create Your Workout Routine

Aim to work out 3-4 times weekly, focusing on different muscle groups each session to allow recovery time. Each workout should include compound exercises (like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses) targeting multiple muscle groups and isolation exercises (like bicep curls and leg extensions) focusing on specific muscles. Remember, consistency is key—sticking to your routine is way more important than the intensity of any single workout.

Up Your Water Intake

Water is the primary carrier through which nutrients travel to your muscles. Your muscles are about 75% water, so even a slight drop in your hydration levels can quickly reduce your strength and stamina. This happens because dehydration throws off your electrolyte balance, which is essential for muscle function and nerve transmission. 

Now, think about what happens after you complete a workout. Your muscles need to repair themselves and adapt to the stress they’ve been through—this is how growth happens. Staying hydrated helps flush out the metabolic waste that builds up during exercise, thereby reducing muscle soreness and speeding up recovery. 

To stay on top of your hydration, aim for half your body weight in ounces of water per day and more if you’re engaging in intense exercise or it’s hot out. Make mineralized water a part of your daily habit. Carrying a water bottle with you is a great reminder to keep sipping throughout the day.

ReStructure® Protein Powder

Don’t overlook the power of a high-quality protein powder like ReStructure. Each serving packs 12 grams of complete protein and a full spectrum of amino acids to give your muscles exactly what they need after a workout. ReStructure’s main ingredient is grass-fed, non-GMO, rBGH-free whey protein, which is high in leucine. This amino acid signals your muscles to kickstart the repair and building process, making whey protein incredibly effective at supporting muscle health. 

ReStructure also enriches your diet with plant-based pea and rice proteins packed with branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) such as arginine. Arginine boosts nitric oxide levels and improves blood flow, which means more oxygen and nutrients reach your muscles to support growth. And while pea protein absorbs at a slower pace compared to whey, this is a benefit. It allows ReStructure to continue providing your muscles with a steady supply of nutrients long after your workout is over.


Post-workout, spend 10-15 minutes cooling down with stretching, walking, yoga, and light aerobic exercises to increase blood flow to your muscles. Better blood flow means quicker removal of waste products like lactic acid, which build up during exercise and contribute to muscle soreness.


Trouble sleeping? Muscles grow when you rest, not when you lift. So, make it a goal to get 7-9 hours of quality sleep every night. Beyond relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation, one simple (yet highly effective) strategy you might have yet to consider is adding a liquid magnesium supplement to your routine. Magnesium latches onto GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) receptors—neurotransmitters that calm down nerve activity and allow for deeper sleep. 

This mineral also plays a role in melatonin production, the hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles. By adding magnesium to your nightly routine, you’re guiding your body’s internal clock to recognize when it’s time to unwind and head to bed.

Stay Flexible

Be prepared to adjust your plan. Naturally, your needs will change as you progress. Listen to your body, and don’t be afraid to tweak your workout intensity, nutritional plan, or recovery methods to suit your evolving needs better. If you’re feeling fatigued or not seeing the expected results, it might be time to reassess your diet and ensure you’re getting enough calories and nutrients to support your training.

Track Your Progress

Keep a journal of your workouts, meals, and feelings. Take pictures every month. Celebrate the small wins. Tracking your progress will help you identify what’s working, what’s not, and how to improve. It’s also a great motivational tool to see how far you’ve come.

Key Takeaway

Remember, no single nutrient works in isolation. A balanced diet, supplementation, and a consistent workout routine are crucial to muscle growth and improved performance. Consider incorporating a smart nutrition strategy to see the best results from all your hard work.