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Deficiencia de magnesio

Realice el cuestionario en línea

Únase a las decenas de miles de personas que ya han utilizado nuestra prueba de deficiencia de magnesio en línea para recibir una comprensión personal de lo que significa tener deficiencia. Deja de permitir que una posible falta de este nutriente fundamental afecte tu estilo de vida y tu bienestar cotidianos.

Learn More About Yourself

Most of the people you know today are magnesium deficient, and don't realize this lack of minerals and electrolytes could be causing a disruption in their quality of life. It's important to regularly test yourself and pay attention to the signs your body may be giving you. Although a blood test is the only way to clinically diagnose a magnesium deficiency, our online test will help you quickly identify if you are at risk and can benefit from a supplemental boost to your magnesium levels.

RnA ReSet's Magnesium Deficiency Quiz was developed to help anyone identify a possible nutrient-deficiency in their diet through a score-based assessment of your deficiency risk. Receive immediate feedback based on your answers and a path that's been proven successful for others at a similar stage of their health journey.

Tu dieta ya no es suficiente

Los malos hábitos alimentarios, las dietas especiales y la falta de minerales en el suelo en el que cultivamos nuestros productos y en el agua que bebemos han creado deficiencias artificiales de magnesio en muchas de nuestras dietas. Tratar de obtener suficiente magnesio todos los días puede ser un desafío incluso cuando se come específicamente para obtener más cantidad de este mineral o se toma un suplemento que no se absorbe bien.

How Do I Know If I'm Getting Enough Magnesium?

Becoming deficient in magnesium is easier than you think, even if you're already taking a magnesium supplement. And the tendency for most magnesium supplements to be expelled by the body before you can benefit is often only one of the reasons for this to be true. High-stress lifestyles, poor eating habits, and multiple other factors can quickly drain our magnesium reserves, leaving the rest of your body to do without.

Una fuente de energía

Magnesio para la vida

¡Mantener una cantidad suficiente de magnesio es una forma natural de tener más energía y sentirse mejor al proporcionarle a su cuerpo lo que necesita para funcionar de la mejor manera durante toda la vida!

Get Your Online Test Results

Many healthcare professionals already recommend magnesium supplementation for their patients to help counter drug-induced deficiencies, poor eating habits, or additional requirements for magnesium the body has because of vitamin D supplementation.

But, even If you feel generally healthy today, you have everything to gain by adding a recommended daily dosage of magnesium. Share the results of your test with your family and friends with similar issues, and prepare your questions for the next time you speak with a healthcare professional.

Vea lo que dicen sus resultados

¡Responda el cuestionario sobre deficiencia de magnesio ahora para obtener resultados rápidos!