Drug-Induced Nutrient Deficiencies

Heart Health Medications

Table of Contents

Heart Health medications are most often prescribed to support measures that make it easier for the heart to beat. Heart Health drugs are used in both preventative and maintenance health plans to reduce blood-pressure, calcium-levels, and even stress responses throughout the day. Some heart health drugs also support the heart by shrinking and removing agents that can build up and create blood flow issues throughout the body.

ATTENTION: The medications listed below, whether available over the counter (OTC) or by prescription only, and their associated information presented are not intended as medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare professional about supplementing any medication and the possible artificial nutrient deficiencies they may create.

ACE Inhibitors

Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are applied in both preventative and post-incident treatment of cardiovascular conditions. Commonly prescribed for hypertension, these drugs are used to support a weakened heart structure through actions that effectively lower blood pressure. ACE inhibitors have been shown to inhibit the effects of NSAIDs, and create nutrient absorption and balance issues with other vitamins and minerals within the body.

Common Names:

  • Benazepril
  • Captopril
  • Enalapril
  • Fosinopril
  • Lisinopril
  • Moexipril
  • Perindopril
  • Quinapril
  • Ramipril
  • Trandolapril
Common Deficiencies:
Zinc | Vitamin B6


Anticoagulant medications act as an anti-clotting agent, reducing the body's natural ability to clot. These medications are used in relation to heart health and the concern of blockages that promote stroke, blockages in the heart, or in the clots that form in the lungs. Anticoagulant drugs are also applied in post-surgery scenarios where healing of some repaired structures requires slower clotting times and function. All prescriptions should be monitored by healthcare professionals for platelet-level monitoring, and the ability to adjust anticoagulant dosage to prevent clotting or reduce risk of bleeding.

Common Names:

  • Coumadin
  • Plavix
  • Ticlid
  • Warfarin
  • Fondaparinux
Common Deficiencies:
Vitamin K

High-Blood Pressure + Hypertension

High blood pressure and hypertension drugs are often applied when changes to your lifestyle, or increased risk of other comorbidities associated with high blood pressure. Healthcare professionals use hypertension medications as part of an overall heart health plan, including the combination of 2 or more high blood pressure drugs to personalize their patient's requirements. Individuals are usually required to take these drugs on a long-term basis, and should never be stopped without healthcare intervention and suggestion.

Common Names:

  • Catapres
  • Aldactone
  • Inspra
Common Deficiencies:
Vitamin B | Potassium | Magnesium | Sodium |
Calcium | Zinc | Vitamin C


Diuretics are often used in support of heart health planning and the reduction of high blood pressure conditions by reducing unneeded liquid and salt in the body. These over the counter (OTC) and prescription medications decreased blood volume making it easier for the heart to beat. But the increased expelling of liquid disturbs the body's balance of potassium and other nutrients while creating lethargy, dizziness, or extreme thirst as the body reacts to less nutrients to support structure and function.

Common Names:

  • Midamor
  • Bumex
  • Diuril
  • Dyrenium
  • Demadex
  • Edecrin
  • Microzide
Common Deficiencies:
Vitamin B | Potassium | Magnesium | Sodium |
Calcium | Zinc | Vitamin C

Beta Blockers

Beta Blocker medications act by blocking adrenaline and other stress hormone production in the body to reduce the body's responses that increase heartbeat rhythm, thereby decreasing the heart's demand for oxygen. These drugs are usually applied after changes to lifestyle, or less invasive solutions like diuretics aren't enough to make a difference in hearth health goals. Beta Blockers must also be considered against other healthcare conditions as it can mask the signs of other systems, or create increases or decreases in some nutrients.

Common Names:

  • Sectral
  • Tenoretic
  • Tenormin
  • Kerlone
  • Brevibloc
  • Trandate
  • Lopressor
  • Toporal-XL
Common Deficiencies:
Melatonin | Zinc | Vitamin B6

Calcium Channel Blockers

Calcium channel blockers actively limit your body's calcium-intake through reducing the absorption rate of this mineral. The slowdown of ionic transfer of minerals that calcium channel blocking drugs create elicits a response and disturbance in the way your body uses minerals. Healthcare professionals use these medications to better manage the overall absorption rate by targeting the body's blood vessel structures and the heart's muscle function.

Common Names:

  • Amlodipine
  • Diltiazem
  • Nifedical
  • Nifedipine
  • Procardia
  • Verapamil
  • Felodipine
  • Calan
  • Verelan
Common Deficiencies:

Cholesterol-Lowering Agents

Cholesterol lowering drugs and agents directly affect levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels, and support the reduction of triglyceride fats of the body, as part of a healthier lifestyle plan. These medications are often taken long-term, with missing doses allowing for lipid and triglyceride levels to fluctuate, reintroducing risk for heart and brain health. Healthcare professionals may also use cholesterol lowering agents to support post heart-attack and post surgery events for these same health risks.

Common Names:

  • Lipitor
  • Caduet
  • Questran
  • Atromid-S
  • Mevacor
  • Zocor
  • Crestor
  • Colestid
  • Tricor
  • Lescol
  • Lopid
Common Deficiencies:
Vitamin A | Vitamin D | Vitamin E | Vitamin K

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